Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#10 Playing with Image Generators

The link above is to the motivational poster generator on flickr (fun!) I also played with and recommend Dysfunctional Family Letter, Tooth Fairy Letter, Sudoku and Crossword generators, various name (and insult) generators, Bob Dylan message board, Holiday Party Excuse Generator and Harry Potter doll generator. Lotta fun, lotta fun! I'm very pleased with the poster I created - I took the picture at the Italian Lakes in May 07 - it was even more gorgeous 'live'. Now I'd really like to go back.....

PS On my online travels I came across a site called where you can create your own virtual bookshelf, want list, book ratings, see other people's shelves, etc. Yet another impressive distraction! Check it out.

#9 Finding Feeds

I didn't mind finding feeds with Technorati and Google Blog Search. Feedster wasn't a favourite - too busy for me. Google was good because it is simple and uncluttered. Familiarity probably paid a part too. I liked how Topix immediately loaded with my local news - impressive yet scary. I subscribed to YALSA, a U.S. library related youth feed through Technorati, resisted checking my bloglines feeds, then got distracted anyway, as usual, by searching 'Torchwood' out of curiosity. Of course You Tube content appeared and I had to watch it. I don't know how anyone gets anything done online anymore!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

#8 RSS and Newsreader

The passive nature of RSS and newsreaders appeals to me. They provide personalised information and entertainment for little time and effort. I'd never trawl a list of websites for the updates these services automatically provide.

I'm using RSS and newsreaders to keep me informed about certain library-related information such as educational opportunities, and also for entertainment via 'Joke of the Day' and 'Quote of the Day'.

Libraries can utilise this technology to enable staff and users to personalise the information they receive and to keep up to date with news and events effortlessly. I Googled 'libraries and RSS' and found examples of some great ideas for libraries and feeds such as options for library users to receive feeds of new acquisitions, journal articles and account information ie current loan information.

Friday, October 12, 2007

#7 Technology of the Future

There was an interesting article in The Herald-Sun recently (Saturday, 29th September I think) that talked about nanotechnology and how plasma TV screens would eventually come in liquid form to be simply (?) painted onto the wall. I foresee redecorating headaches!

The article also mentioned that quantum physics had been used to teleport data across The Thames, and that the method may be developed to teleport more complex things a’la Star Trek! How exciting…beam me up Scottie!

#6 Flickr Mash-Ups

My favourite Flickr mash-up tools are the Warholizer (I Warholized actor John Barrowman, mmmm...), and the Cube, which lets you make a 3D box/dice of your favourite photos. I'm going back to create some cubes when I have time.

#5 Flickr Wolfman

The link above leads to a gnarly (ha ha) werewolf photo on Flickr. Impressive stuff.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Jack surfs the web

Meet Captain Jack. He's in the process of chewing my mouse cord right off! Very helpful.